MOTEX Teile GmbH als Silber Sponsor bei der Unterzeichnung der Absichtserklärung zwischen GPCCI und BVMW

On July 31st, 2024, a significant event took place in the context of German-Pakistani economic relations: The German-Pakistani Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GPCCI) and the German Association for Small and Medium-sized Businesses (BVMW) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) aimed at promoting mutual growth and prosperity between the two countries. MOTEX Teile GmbH was proud to support this milestone event as a Silver Sponsor, actively contributing to the strengthening of bilateral cooperation.

A Strong Symbol of Partnership

The formal signing of the MoU was attended by senior representatives from both organizations, along with numerous prominent guests from the business and political sectors. The agreement between GPCCI and BVMW marks a crucial step towards deepening economic ties between Germany and Pakistan. It lays the foundation for new business relationships, encourages the exchange of expertise, and offers valuable opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from both countries to internationalize.

MOTEX Teile GmbH: A Reliable Partner

As a Silver Sponsor of this event, MOTEX Teile GmbH reaffirms its long-standing commitment to promoting international economic relations. Our company firmly believes that SMEs play a pivotal role in developing and strengthening the economic connections between Germany and Pakistan. By supporting this event, we aim not only to highlight the importance of the German-Pakistani partnership but also to emphasize our role as a trusted partner in this relationship.

Significance of the Event for the Future

The signing of the MoU on July 31st is more than just a symbolic act. It marks the beginning of a more intensive collaboration aimed at fostering sustainable economic growth and prosperity in both countries. MOTEX Teile GmbH sees this agreement as an enormous opportunity for companies to explore new markets, develop innovative projects, and strengthen bilateral trade.

Gratitude to the Organizers and Looking Ahead

We extend our gratitude to GPCCI and BVMW for organizing this important event and are proud to have contributed to its success as a Silver Sponsor. MOTEX Teile GmbH looks forward to actively shaping the development of this partnership in the coming months and years. We are confident that the collaboration between German and Pakistani companies will continue to grow in importance and that the initiatives launched during the event will lead to lasting success.


MOTEX Teile GmbH views the future of German-Pakistani economic relations with great optimism and is ready to contribute to achieving the goals outlined in the MoU. We look forward to exploring new paths of success together with our partners and elevating economic cooperation to a new level.

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